CNN SIDHI - Spiritula Leader of Agha Khani Comunity Prince Agha Khan Condmened terrorist attack on a bus tody in karachi near saffoora goath chorangi. six gunmen on there motorcycles targeted a bus carrying memebrs of ismaili comunity near safoora chowrangi. 43 dead, 8 injured.
The Statment isssued at Agha Khan Development Networks website, said that It is incomprehensible to target peacefull communty, My Prayers are with families of those killed and injured.
It has also said in statement that Ismaili community is a peaceful community which live in good manner, peaceful with other ethic and religious groups all around the world, according the statment, the ismaili leader in Pakistan who survived the attack are busy in emergency operations to help the injurend people as 13 people also injurend during the incident.
Pakistan's Cheif of Army Staff General Raheel contacted the prince and expressed sorrorw over the incident. Pakistan Army Chief said to the Agha Khan during telephonic conversation the sources has been set to arrest terrorists and their supporters involved in this dreadful incident.
Pakistan tahreek e Taliban splinter group Jundallah's spokes man Ahmed Marwat has claimed the responsbility for attack.
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